The Author Talks about Personal Intelligence


Video / Television

♦ (Video) Talks at Google John Mayer, “The Power of Personality and How it Shapes Our Lives”

♦ (Television) “Could more standardized tests be helpful for children? John Mayer  (April 22, 2014) on “Consider This,” with Antonio Mora Al Jazeera America

Facebook page at:

And tweet that night from @AJConsiderThis Thanks to our guests: @RevJJackson, @JamiFloyd, @BrankoMilan, @GordonGChang, John D. Mayer of @UofNH & @MickiMaynard

Radio / Podcasts

♦ From “The Faith Middleton Show,” (May 19th, 2014) on WNPR, Connecticut, New York and Massachusetts.
How personality shapes our lives,” hosted by Faith Middleton, Lori Mack & Jonathan McNicol
Listen here. (forthcoming)
♦ From “Topical Currents,” with Joseph Cooper and Bonnie Berman, on WLRN, Miami/South Florida, Florida Public Radio (April 21st, 2014)
The Power of Personality and How it Shapes Our Lives,” by Bonnie Berman, Joseph Cooper & Paul Leary.
Listen hereScroll down below the jacket cover of the book (49 min.)
♦ From “Moncrieff,” on Newstalk Radio (March 12th, 2014)

No podcast, but see:——

♦ From “Word of Mouth,” Virginia Prescott, on New Hampshire Public Radio (March 11th, 2014)
Listen Here—Scroll down to the last program (About 10 minutes)
Word of Mouth with Virginia Prescott, “How Do You Measure Personal Intelligence?”
Retrieved from:
♦ From “the Roundtable,” Joe Donahue on WAMC (March 6th, 2014)
Listen Here (About 15 minutes)
The Roundtable with Joe Donahue: “Personal Intelligence: The Power Of Personality And How It Shapes Our Lives” By John D. Mayer March 6th, 2014.
Retrieved from:
♦ From “The Emotional Roadmap,” with Charles Wolfe, WPKN-FM, Bridgeport/Eastern CT (Wednesday, March 5th, 2014)
Listen Here (52 min.) courtesy of PRX, the Public Radio Exchange
♦ From “Think,” with Krys Boyd, KERA, Dallas/Ft. Worth Public Radio (Monday, March 3rd, 2014)
Listen Here (about 48 min.):

From the station description: “Think features in-depth interviews with compelling guests, covering a wide variety of topics ranging from history, politics, current events, science, technology and trends to food and wine, travel, adventure and entertainment.”

♦ From “Central Time,” Milwaukee Public Radio (Friday, February 21st, 2014)
By:  Chris Malina Friday, February 21, 2014, 3:36pm [Link:]
A psychologist explains the concept of ‘personal intelligence’ – how we reason about our own and other people’s personalities, and how that shapes our lives.
Listen here (about 25 min.):
♦ From the Jason Rantz Show in Seattle, “What you’re getting wrong about intelligence,” Monday, February 17th, 7:33 Pacific Time

Listen here (about 25 min.):


♦ (Print and Audio) From Customers 1st: The Power of Personality At Work.

Amanda Ciccatelli, Social Media Strategist of the Marketing Division at IIR USA, has a background in digital and print journalism, covering a variety of topics in business strategy, marketing, and technology. Amanda is the Editor at Large for several of IIR’s blogs including Next Big DesignCustomers 1st, and ProjectWorld and World Congress for Business Analysts, and a regular contributor to Front End of Innovation and The Market Research Event. A highlight of her interview with John D. Mayer can be found here, along with a podcast.

♦ From The New Hampshire (University of New Hampshire)

UNH professor develops personal intelligence theory Catie Hall (March 18th, 2014) writing in The New Hampshire [University of New Hampshire student-run newspaper] Online and print editions (p. 2 of the print edition). [Linked to].

♦ From the College Letter (University of New Hampshire)

Carrie Sherman (February 14th, 2014).  Personal Intelligence in the The College Letter: Newsletter of the College of Arts and Sciences [University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH]. Link to: