Articles by the Author about Personal Intelligence

Getting along at work: A primer on personal intelligence (Fortune/CNN)

Many challenges at the office come down to managing our own personalities.

[Online] April 14th, 2014 12:57 PM ET in CNNMoney/Fortune, under the “Leadership” tab → link

[Online citation]: Mayer, J. D. (2014, April 14th). Getting along at work: A primer on personal intelligence. CNNMoney A service of CNN, Fortune & Money: Leadership. Retrieved April 17th from

We need more tests, not fewer (The New York Times)

[Online] March 10th, 2014, In the New York Times → link

[Online citation] Mayer, J. D. (2014, March 30). We need more tests, not fewer. New York Times.  Retrieved March 30th, 2014 from

[Print citation] Mayer, J. D. (2014, March 30). We need more tests, not fewer. New York Times Op Ed, CLXIII (56,437), A19.

Are they all faking it? Behind the scenes at the Oscars (

March 3rd, 2014, in → link

[Online citation] Mayer, J. D. (2014, March 3rd). Are they all faking it? Behind the scenes at the Oscars. What’s happening inside the minds of people who pretend, when we think we’re seeing real faces? Science knows! Retrieved from

5 books that can teach us how to understand personalities (Spirituality and Health)

February 19th, 2014 in Spirituality & Health → link

APA Citation: Mayer, J. D. (2014, February 19th). 5 books that can teach us how to understand personality. Spirituality and Health. Retrieved February 24th, 2014 from