The Test of Personal Intelligence 1.4 (TOPI 1.4)

The TOPI 1.4

We are now distributing the TOPI 1.4 to researchers under limited conditions. The test takes from 35-45 minutes to take and is about 90 items in length. Researchers should be affiliated with a University or other institution with an Institutional Review Board for the ethical conduct of research.

The most recent version of the manual can be accessed hereĀ  (latest update: 2014-11-19):

TOPI 1.4 Manual Distr-Ver 2015-01-23

Please contact Dr. Mayer for further information.

Translation Policy

Translation Policy for the TOPI

Our general policy at present is to encourage foreign-language translations of the Test of Personal Intelligence. However, please be advised that the procedure is challenging and time-consuming and that the current version of the TOPI may be revised in two years or so.

The present translation policy can be found here:
